Pastor Rob and Pastor Sheryl Hernandez
Founder/Senior Pastor
Pastor Rob and Sheryl have a heart and vision for the city of Pueblo. They have been serving in ministry for over 30 years. Pastor Rob serves the community by serving as a Chaplin for the Pueblo Police Department, Sheriff Department and Pueblo West Fire Department where he also serves as a volunteer firefighter. Pastor Rob and Sheryl has been guest speakers at many Men's, and Women's Conferences as well as church revivals around the Country and World.
Pastor Shawn and Pastor Chandra Hernandez
Youth Pastor
Pastors Shawn and Chandra have a passion for todays youth. Both have went on numerous missions trips to Mexico, Cananda as well as evangelized to many Conferences and churches in the U.S. Shawn and Chandra have been married for 15yrs with 3 beautiful children. They met in youth group and they love to spend as much family time as they can and love to go camping or anything outdoors. They have a passion for making a difference and helping those in need.

Rev. Eric and Rev. Allie Hernandez
Tech and Music Director
Eric and Allie have a passion for Worship. Both have been involved in the music ministry since a young age. They have been married for 19 years and met in choir and band in highschool. The are proud parents of 2 children, 2 dogs and a cat.